confirm("This site may contain nude images") 
Welcome to the world of Aaron, photographer passionate about human emotions.

Today, the images I produce come from my dream world. They are nourished by symbolism, wounds, poetry or the sacred. My characters are marked with the seal of my past.
My models are chosen above all on their ability to mix with emotions. I have a very close emotional connection with them. The sessions are prepared beforehand, discussed, put into words, put into emotions. So that the model, during the session, is completely invested in the theme.

Contact with the unconscious is something extremely important to me. I particularly appreciate that when discovering one of my photos, the viewer feels this small second of floating, this tiny second where there is no code provided for what he sees. So for me, the bet is won, we are connected and we can communicate directly from unconscious to unconscious. It's the realm of emotion, that tiny little second. It is she who continues to make me creative.

The studio sessions are prepared in advance for the technical aspects. The lighting plan I have chosen and what I plan to use as a material have been tested before. The makeup, the environment, the music that will be used ... all this in order to forget the technique during the session.

I always leave great freedom to the model. I especially try to feed his creativity by the music, by the words, by the contact with the material. I never ask him to play a role but rather to experience something internally, something strong, something that affects him personally. The moment of shooting happens almost unconsciously, immersed in the volume of the music. It can as well be sacred music, a symphony, a requiem as the standards of Doors or Leonard Cohen ...
The whole team is a little bit in a trance. Let emerge ...

It is only at the time of viewing that I come out of this state. I am regularly surprised by the emotion that radiates from the pictures. Surprised, as if I were a link in a chain beyond me. I receive, I transmit, it goes through me but comes from further away ...

Emotion is the watchword. Often dark such as fear, loss, anguish, pain, madness, separation, vulnerability but also bright with hope, naivety, poetry, the sacred ...

The material is also important in my work. Whether it is water, flour, paint or clay, the material is always present. In my opinion, it heightens the emotion. She has a disorder. As if it were difficult to locate the work, halfway between sculpture, painting and photography ... The material fully participates in this precious second of floating.

My style is deliberately refined in order to go directly to the essential: the look and the expression. Above all, do not be distracted unnecessarily. Light guides the journey of the eye through the painting. She takes the spectator by the hand and leads him precisely to his destination ...